Surrendering a pet is never an easy decision to make. It's also not the kind of decision anyone would want to regret. That's why we recommend addressing the issue that is causing the need to give up the pet before making that decision.
Is it because the pet is misbehaving?
Oftentimes pet behavior training can correct problems that are otherwise considered uncorrectable. -
Is it because of an allergy?
Talk to a doctor or allergist — there are lots of new medications that can treat pet allergies.
See more steps to consider prior to surrendering your pet.
Once you've decided that there are no other solutions, and have made the decision to find a new home for your pet, there are several options we recommend.

1. Communicate, Network, Get the Word Out
First, notify trusted friends, relatives, neighbors and co-workers that you need to find a new home for your pet. More often than not, this type of networking can have very positive results. Plus, you may even get to visit on occasion if you find your pet a new home within your social network.
2. Rehoming Your Pet
No one knows your pet better than you. As the pet's owner, you know its likes, dislikes, interests and temperament better than anyone else, and therefore you have a greater chance of finding a successful rehoming arrangement than anyone else. By making a determined effort to find your pet a new home, not only will you be giving it a better future — you'll also be creating a future for another animal by leaving a spot open in our foster homes.
Ways to rehome your pet on your own:
Contact us to request a "communtiy profile" through our social media and Petfinder.
Ask local veterinarians if you can post signs in their clinics
Ask local pet-related businesses if you can post signs in their stores
Place an ad in the paper and online (we discourage the use of "Free to Good Home" social media pages but use private rehoming groups)
3. Surrendering Your Pet to Because Animals Matter
As BAM will not take in any dogs considered aggressive, you will need to contact us to request a meeting between you, your animal and a trained BAM representative. If your animal meets our adoption, and foster requirements (if fostering outside your home is necessary), you will be asked to complete an Animal Release form that assists our Adoption Counselors in learning about your animal's traits and medical history.
You will be asked to donate $50 for a pet who is already fixed and up-to-date on vaccinations. Pets who are sexually intact (aka not "fixed") and/or not up-to-date on vaccinations have a $100 relinquishment fee. These fees directly support the inherent transportation costs in getting pets to adoption events, along with any advertising fees required to post adoptable pets as available, and applicable veterinary clinic charges to make sure each pet is healthy and ready to be adopted in the first place.
It is BAM's policy to not release adoption details after an animal has been relinquished to our care.
As mentioned above, you know your pet better than anyone else and the smoothest transition for him/her is to stay with you until a new home is found. BAM may ask that you continue caring for the animal until an adoptive home can be found.