Planning and hosting a fundraising activity as a non-affiliated group or individual can be tremendously successful in reaching support not typical of BAM's traditional support base. These fundraisers limit BAM's direct involvement, or don't require it at all. From bake sales to theme parties, these events can be a rewarding effort for any group, small or large, to assist BAM's adoptable pets and community programs. No matter how much is raised, your contribution makes a difference in the community one pet at a time.
Below are some suggested steps to help you plan your special event:
1. Brainstorm for event ideas.
Popular examples:
• ____-a-Thons: bowl, walk, run, bike, dance, swim
• Auctions: donated goods, art, handmade products, etc.
• Arts and Crafts Shows
• Birthday Parties or Personal Celebrations
• Bring Your Dog to Work Day
• Car Washes
• Church or Community Neighborhood Donation Drive
• Galas
• Garage & Yard Sales
• Theme Parties
• Ticket Sales, Raffles and Entry Fees
• Dog Washes
• School Events: raise a certain amount to make your teacher/principal do something unusual
• Sporting Events and Tournaments
• Bake Sale or Lemonade Stand
• Online Crowdfunding

2. Set the date and location.
Schedule your event for a day, time and location that provides you with plenty of time to plan and promote it properly. It is suggested that before confirming the date you check with BAM to make sure it doesn't conflict with another event, should you require any BAM resources.
3. Set fundraising goals and a budget.
Remember, the lower your costs to produce the event, the higher your contribution can be.
4. Submit a Third Party Events Contract to Because Animals Matter.
(Download the THIRD-PARTY CONTRACT) An events coordinator will contact you to review any issues or concerns and will provide you with guidance and feedback on your proposed plan. Determine legal, insurance, liability, permit and safety issues you may need to address prior to submitting your form.
5. Create a “Day of Event” agenda and checklist.
6. Develop a publicity/promotion plan.
Flyers, posters and other promotional materials will help generate awareness and excitement about your event.
7. Have the event!
With proper planning, you can have a fun and successful event. Once your event is over, just submit the proceeds to Because Animals Matter and start planning your next event. (Oh, and don't forget to take pictures!)
Rules & Guidelines
The third-party event hosts are responsible for all aspects of the event, including organizing, funding, planning, promoting, managing and staffing. BAM is unable to provide assistance with any of these aspects. (For instance, we cannot pay for any event-related costs, provide mailing lists, send e-mail blasts or direct mail promoting the event, ensure attendance, etc.) Requests for BAM volunteers and/or animals to attend your event are handled on a case-by case basis, but cannot be guaranteed.

Upon approval, you may, in most instances, use the BAM name and logo. BAM must pre-approve all flyers, press releases, publications, and any other event promotional materials. All materials must clearly indicate that the event is not sponsored by BAM. It is important that the rescue's name and logo be used correctly and spelled properly. Always refer to the organization as Because Animals Matter (not "the shelter" or Humane Society). BAM logos will be supplied to all approved events that request them, and support will be given to ensure the guidelines supplied on the contract are met.
The time and effort that you put into hosting an event can benefit the injured, neglected or abandoned animals in care with Because Animals Matter. No matter how large or small, your contribution will make a big difference in the lives of our animals, or our community programs. You are welcome to request that any funds raised by your event be earmarked for a particular BAM program, so if you want to organize a pet food drive to support our local Hurricane Valley Food Pantry or raise funds for the Meika's Fund (medical fund for community pets in need) just specify your intended focus when you submit your application for the event.
Learn More
To learn how your group or business can plan a fundraiser to help the animals awaiting their forever home with Because Animals Matter, email
Do you represent a business or restaurant that offers or would like to participate in "Share Fundraising" where a portion of sales on a given day, weekend, or week is raised for BAM? Visit the Shop and Give! page to learn more and read about recent share fundraising events to determine if these are right for you and your business.